One Way Samba-Solved

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Feb 22 01:14:02 UTC 2008

On 02/21/2008 03:06 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

> But it's not mounting now as shown above refering to
> the wrong IP ADDR. Using the right IP, 192.168.1.
> 65 works.  If anyone can offer some suggestions to get
> my hostname to refer to the current IP and not the one
> before I reconfigured the maching when it was
> "kubuntu-desktop" and hard wired, I'd be most
> grateful.
> Thanks, NoOp for trying. I appreciate it,

Here are a couple of general rules that I typically follow when setting
a small home/business DSL network - they may be of help, or maybe not &
others will certainly have their own preferences.

1. I ensure that all the fixed computers have fixed IP's that are not on
the same subnet as the gateway router. If for example the gateway is, then my machines would be say and the
gateway would be Many routers/modems use, so I
make sure to avoid the 192.168.1.x subnet altogether. It just makes life
easier & avoids any possible mistakes in the subnet.

2. I use the routers dhcp server to issue dhcp for a visiting laptop
etc., but I make sure that the dhcp ranges it issues are defined to be
outside of the range of my fixed machines. In this case, I would allow
it to issue dhcp addresses from to for
example. This avoids the problem of the router issuing a dhcp address in
the range when a laptop is connected and one of the
other 'fixed' machines is off at the time. This is particularly critical
if you are running VNC's.

For your existing problem(s) I'd recommend that you check your router
settings and clear out any previous dhcp address' that have been
previously issued. If the router still has the mac address & IP of one
of your newly reassigned fixed IP's, then there will be a conflict.

3. I normally rely on my router for dhcp, firewall, fqdn updates, etc.,
so I also generally put the DSL modem in bridge mode depending upon the
type of DSL modem. For example a Speedstream 5100B can cause all sorts
of problems with dhcp & links when VNC's are used. Setting to bridge
mode and allowing the router to do it's job works considerably better.

4. On the Ubuntu machines; go into each one on the network settings and
actually enter the IP Address & Alieses of each of the fixed machines
(System|Administration|Network|Hosts|Add). If necessary, check the
/etc/host file and add them there, example (modified for the purposes of
this post of course): localhost mycomputer.mshome mycomputer

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts myothercomputer my-laptop mytestserver mywindowsmachine myserver

5. For Gutsy machines: remove & purge apparmor - at least until the bugs
with cups & pdf-printer etc., are worked out. Besides, apparmor is
primarily an enterprise security application & I've found that (for now
anyway) that it is much more trouble than it is worth in a small home

6. Don't mess with command line automount smbf unless you actually have
a reason to do so. I have all of my machines set to automatically show
the neighbor shares icon on the desktop and in Nautilus & if the other
machine is alive it automounts just by clicking on the icon or the
machine folder in Nautilus.

  It's really quite easy to do, all you do is Places|Connect to
Server|Windows Share| then:

Server: (example)
Name to use for connection: MyOtherMachine
- Connect
Bingo, I now have a desktop icon to MyOtherMachine and in Nautilus I
have a network MyOtherMachine network folder.

If I reboot or logout, the icon and network folders come up automatically.

7. If I have a problem connecting to a smb://machinename then I can
almost always connect using the machine IP address. If it's failing on
machinename, then I go back and check #4.

8. For connecting to a Windows drive (reboot or otherwise), follow the
instructions in pretty much to
the letter. Works for me.

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