Low end PC as home server, what package should I install?

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Tue Feb 19 20:02:31 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> Install the standard desktop version (Gnome/Ubuntu or KDE/Kubuntu -
> whichever you are most familiar with).

As has been said, not installing a GUI version of Ubuntu will save you a 
lot of RAM usage. If you can manage the machine from a command line, do 
so, that will make your machine more powerful.

Alternatively, install a GUI version, but don't actually *run* the GUI 
when you are not logged in doing maintenance. Even when not logged in 
GDM will take a lot of RAM. 192 MB is a decent amount of RAM for running 
Samba, NFS, a lightly loaded web server, etc. But when running a GUI 192 
MB is only just maybe barely enough RAM.

-kb, the Kent who believes in mostly headless servers.

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