Slave Drive (resend)

Wulfy wulfmann at
Sat Feb 16 16:34:58 UTC 2008

Wayne Smith wrote:
> The master drive (drive A) is where I have Ubuntu installed. I am trying 
> to use the slave drive (drive B) separately from the master drive as 
> storage for my files. The reason why is so that my files will be safe 
> should I ever have to reformat the master drive and reinstall Ubuntu. 
> The slave drive seems to have mounted separately, but the mount point is 
> in /media/slave under the filesystem.
> My question to you is: Even though it is listed in the filesystem, will 
> the slave drive be affected if I have to reinstall Ubuntu on the Master 
> Drive??? And, if it will, how do I separate the two drives from each 
> other???
In any Linux system, there is only one file system.  Everything that can 
be accessed must be in that file system, hence it's mounted somewhere.

When you format a *partition* (not a file system), it's not part of the 
file system any more, until you put that partition back into the filing 
system by mounting it.  In fact, formatting *creates* the file system to 

Bottom line, if you don't format the partition with your /home directory 
on it, it's safe.




Wulf Credo:
Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack.
Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.
Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.
Copyright July 17, 1988 by Del Goetz

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