Printer invisible thru USB-switch

Tom Rausner tom at
Fri Feb 15 23:26:49 UTC 2008

Hi Karl !

fre, 15 02 2008 kl. 06:19 -0700, skrev Karl Larsen:
> Do you have a nVidia video card on your computer with no pointer? In 
> a terminal do this:
> sudo lspci | grep nVidia
> This will tell you if you have a nVidia video card and if so then you 
> need to erase the word 'splash' near the end of the  kernel line of the 
> kernel that is booting the system. That will get your pointer back. It 
> is a feature of nVidia :-)
> Karl

OK..!? That's new to me, and yes I do have a nVidia card. I'll try this
out. Thanks a lot !


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