hung boot process

Bob Holtzman holtzm at
Fri Feb 15 06:22:47 UTC 2008

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Marius Gedminas wrote:

> 15 : File not found
>     This error is returned if the specified file name cannot be found,
>     but everything else (like the disk/partition info) is OK.
>         --

Thanks. I should have thought of that.

> > A search for error 15 yielded:
> > 
> > 1. check rootline in grub.config --> locate *grub.config came up blank
> > 2. reinstall grub w/ grub-install --> /boot initially was missing grub.
> >    ran /sbin/grub-install and /boot/grub appeared but contained only
> >    a file
> > 3. check /boot partition --> fsck -v /dev/sda6 showed it was clean 
> > 4. check for /boot/grub/menu.list --> see no. 2 above.
> If you can run grub-install, then you can also run update-grub to
> generate a working menu.lst.

I found your post too late. I wiped my ubuntu installation and reinstalled 
Karl's way with one big partition, just to see if the various grub content 
got generated and it did. Next I ran locate *grub* from the /root 
partition and loaded what that generated into the CD/DVD burner app, the 
intent being to reinstall with my own custom partitioning and copy the 
grub info from the DVD. Unfortunately I keep getting the message "no files 
selected, even after edit -> select all. Since I have never played with 
burning CDs or DVDs I am wondering if the burner app doesn't like burning 
directories which is what all the grub info is in. If I can get this 
solved I'll let you know how my idea turned out.

Luckily I have my old workhorse Redhat 7.3 box to use while I'm screwing 
around with Ubuntu on the new box.

> The installer should have done that for you.  I wonder if a separate
> /boot partition didn't confuse it.  If you unmount the /boot partition,
> do you end up with an empty directory, or are there any files left that
> were hidden behind?

I saw content in the boot partition prior to mounting it. Different 
content afterward.

> > I tried deleting all partitions and reinstalling a couple of times with 
> > the same result.
> (I tend to stick with one-big-partition.  No problems whatsoever.)

Yes, but with a separate /home partition you can do a clean install 
without losing your data if you specify not formatting /home.

Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 ......check the price of the beer!"

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