Solved: Hardy: HAL kills my network

Heinrich Rebehn rebehn at
Tue Feb 12 16:44:43 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Heinrich Rebehn wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I have a problem with network connectivity on hardy alpha 4.
>> I configured my machine as a diskless system with roofs served via NFS.
>> This runs fine, but only if i remove S40hal from /etc/rc2.d.
>> As soon as S40hal get executed, the machine looses connectivity, thereby 
>> loosing it's root fs and hangs.
>> Is there a way to keep HAL from touching network interfaces? I do not 
>> want to disable HAL completely because of automounting removable devices.
> This is probably being caused by Network Manager, which is started from 
> the HAL scripts.. (sorry, I forget exactly what directory these are in, 
> but should be something that looks like /etc/hal, look for something 
> that looks like a an init script link, S##networkmanager, or you can 
> simply uninstall the network manager from your packages)

Thank you for your help! In the meantime i was able to solve the problem 
myself be removing the NetworkManager entries from /etc/dbus-1/event.d.



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