Jpilot and Treo: backup broke my PDA

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at
Tue Feb 12 05:12:45 UTC 2008

Hi Tommy (and other Treo Users)
Thanks for your reply and its warning/s !

Yes, there is a fatal danger with JPilot and Treo !!

Not only between these two:
It's between Evolution, JPilot and Treo !!!

I really do not accept nor understand why there are NO warnings of 
this fatal conflict !!

One wants to sync the Palm Treo with either JPilot or, if knowing the 
possibility, with Evolution and ...
... needs to know exactly what to do or to leave to avoid any fatal 
complication/s ! ;-O

There should be WARNINGS about setups either to 
ONE or the ANOTHER only !

My intentions were to have the TREO sync'ed only with JPilot.

If I had heard and known about the possibility to have it sync'ed with 
Evolution, even much better, I had choosen this against the JPilot's 
sync'ing only. ;-)

My suggestion would be:
The Evolution and JPilot developer teams shall join and 
explain us Ubuntu users (experts and newbies) about this danger 
and how to setup accordingly !

Evolution has to warn of these dangerous setup conflict with 
JPilot and opposite to avoid UN-expected and fatal results !!

At this moment:
I am happy about my UN-expected result.
I am UN-happy about it because I do not know any details.
If anything unexpected is going to happen ...
... how and what am I going to do without the risk of a more 
data loss again ???

Any enlightenings are really very very appreciated !!!

TIA for your hints and hits. ;-))

Cheers, svobi

On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 10:03 -0600, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On 1/24/08, SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux <i-ubux at> wrote:
> > As for being very careful and for security reason, and NOT KNOWING that
> > the sync
> > would deal with Evolution instead of JPilot, I made a mistake myself:
> >
> > I changed "gnome-pilot settings" standard action "synchronize" with
> > adding the ONE
> > time action "Copy from PDA" !!!
> >
> > This UN-fortunately OVERwrote all my Evolution data !!
> If you are using Jpilot, be VERY CAREFUL to turn OFF all
> synchronization from the gnome-pilot daemon. If you're not using the
> gnome software you want to be sure it doesn't try to synchronize or
> backup at all.
> I just upgraded my palm to a Treo 755p and Jpilot works very well with
> it. I have NOT tried to synchronize any email or photos or anything
> Jpilot does not handle directly.
> I am using the usb: setting -- I suspect the people who ARE having
> trouble with their Treos and Jpilot in Ubuntu are probably having a
> conflict with the gnome-pilot process.

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