Thank you!

Dan Farrell dan at
Mon Feb 11 06:24:04 UTC 2008

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 17:28:17 -0600
Willis Taylor <gods-servant at> wrote:

> That sounds like a great idea but since I'm new to Linux can you 
> enlighten me as to how, please?

NTP is really easy to set up.  As a non-ubuntu user, I would guess that
if you went up to 'administration' and then found the 'synamtec package
manager' you'd be in good shape.  Search for 'ntp' and you should find
a client.  My guess is that it would probably run an update immediately
- watch your clock to see. If not, a command like 

ntpdate -u

should set your clock.  It's a good bet the ubuntu people are good
enough to make sure that will happen periodically from now on.  

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