Install Ubuntu on existing RAID1 LVM partition?

Sean Carolan scarolan at
Mon Feb 4 14:11:46 UTC 2008

> What exactly didn't work? The data and home LV's should've been added without 
> problems during the manual partitioning using the alternative CD. I've done 
> it several times. 
> Did you try to re-use the root partition from the CentOS installation without 
> formatting?

I did format the root partition, but kept getting errors about the kernel not
being able to detect changes to /dev/md0 and that I must reboot for the
changes to take effect.  I got this error every time I tried to re-use the
same partition, even when I erased it completely.  Wiping out everything but
my two ntfs partitions seemed to do the trick though.  Overall it wasn't *too*
painful, but I wouldn't recommend anyone trying the same thing.  At least in
my experience Ubuntu's installer partitioner does better with a fresh start.

The good news is I haven't had to add any 3rd-party repos or custom packages
to get everything working on my system that I had before on CentOS.  Ubuntu is
clearly the more user-friendly desktop system.

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