need bug confirmation before filing (apt-get upgrade bug: kernel, GRUB)

Rakotomandimby Mihamina mihamina.rakotomandimby at
Fri Feb 1 07:21:26 UTC 2008

After an upgrade (apt-get upgrade) if my system, I got with this entry 
in my grub menu.lst:

title           Xen 3.1 / Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-xen.dpkg-tmp
root            (hd0,1)
kernel          /xen-3.1.gz
module          /vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-xen.dpkg-tmp root=/dev/md1 ro 

The usual entries follows this.

I guess this is because there was a rebuild of this file while all the 
temporary files are not "purged".

Would you just confirm my guesses and tell me what package is "buggy", 
so that I can file it at launchpad. It not a problem for me to describe 
the bug in there, and dont worry it's not a critical bug unless you're 
running a remote server: The system will by default boot on the buggy 
entry (and will not boot because of missiing files) because it's the 
first in the list in menu.lst, so if you dont know that, you will ask 
yourself a long time on what's happenning...

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