users and groups - thanks

Brian Astill bastill at
Wed Dec 31 03:33:08 UTC 2008

On Sunday 28 December 2008 12:50:13 Thomas Sprinkmeier wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-12-28 at 09:28 +1030, Brian Astill wrote:
> > Thanks for the helpful comments and advice.
> > I guess my one criticism of Ubuntu is that it tends to hide
> > commands like usermod and leave people like me suspicious
> > when the need arises to use them.
> Can you think of a way to un-'hide' it, preferably without
> sending command-line shy first-timers running behind the sofa
> and cowering in fear?

I cannot understand why some people are so defensive on this 
issue.  The fact is that the sysadmin  GUI tools are incomplete 
and thus misleading.  In the particular case the GUI tool would 
not allow me to allocate more than one group to a user I wished 
to create.  Had I not _known_ that this was possible I would have 
made no further enquiry - usermod and other useful variants had 
been effectively hidden from me.
THE answer to many such issues might be to install webmin by 
default (thanks to the person who suggested webmin).


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