users and groups

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sat Dec 27 14:10:12 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>     If you want this user to be able to use another Desktop he must be 
> given the Group that can use this. You do this with  addgroup as root.

Wrong.  All addgroup does is add a group with the GID optionally
specified on the command line.  It does not add users /to/ groups.  As
the man page says, "The group is created with no users."  To add a user
to the group, you use usermod as I already said.

>     Make at least 3 new users with addusr and then just work with these 
> users. You can login as one of the users and such. Great fun. This all 
> works well.

No, it really doesn't, as you would know if you tested.

Matt Flaschen

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