users and groups

Heike C. Zimmerer nospam08q2 at
Sat Dec 27 10:09:26 UTC 2008

Brian Astill <bastill at> writes:

> I've examined "man adduser" "man adduser.conf" and the contents 
> of /etc/adduser.conf /etc/group and /etc/passwd.
> [...]
> EXTRA_GROUPS in adduser.conf seems to be designed for access to 
> various peripherals.  Maybe I'm missing something.

While the default EXTRA_GROUPS is used to define I/O access,
EXTRA_GROUPS isn't restricted to just that.  From the man page:

              This is the list of groups that new non-system users
              will be added to.  By default, this list is 'dialout cdrom
              floppy audio src video lp users'

So EXTRA_GROUPS is the way to go.

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