Ubuntu live cd display question

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 19:38:54 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Huh?  Why would you even expect Mark to know the answer?  That's like 
>> suggesting somebody contact Linux Torvalds about a kernel driver problem.
>>> If you write here, you will have just a bunch of guys who once
>>> electricuted themselves fixing power plug extension and thought they were
>>> jedi masters of electronic world ever since (hail our mascott Karl
>>> Larsen!).
    How did I get mentioned in this thread? I have not until now said a 
thing. Now I am not sure the title is right. The original person says 
his live CD has a display problem.  Then he goes on to say very little 
that makes much sense.

     There are lots of things that can cause a Live CD to either not 
display a desktop, or quit with an error message. If you have a small 
RAM then it can't work because there is no RAM left after the needed 
ramdisk is formed.

    The video hardware can be a type never seen by Ubuntu. Or the video 
hardware has a poor Ubuntu driver. I, for example, tried to put Hardy on 
my laptop, but the video hardware is a type Hardy has a poor driver for. 
I learned, thank you, from this list that the new 8.10 Invincible has a 
good driver for this video hardware. I loaded it and it was perfect.

    There can be new hardware of other types that the Live CD cannot 
work with, or very old hardware that has been passed over.

    The original thread person needs to give better details on the 
problem they wish to solve.


>> That's cruel, unnecessary, and wrong on so many levels.  Not least your 
>> inability to maintain a thread.  
> In all fairness, I think most of my accumulated jedi skills do come from
> the equivalent error learning process. :)


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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