How do I dial using external modem

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at
Fri Dec 19 03:39:50 UTC 2008

Pete Clapham wrote:
> Dear NoOp --
> I have valued your input on a number of issues in which you have 
> supplied the definitive answers to a question.  However, to the best of 
> my knowledge, I am asking a question for the first time and in no way 
> hijacked somebody else's thread.  I /DO/  have an eeePC, and I very much 
> want to use Ubuntu as its operating system.  (I use Ubuntu for several 
> other systems, and I really like it).  I /DO/ have an external modem, I 
> /have/ configured it in "network", and I would like to make it work.  I 
> would very much like to find out how to dial the ISP using it.  I look 
> forward to responses, and I would especially value yours.
> cheers,
> pete
> --- On *Fri, 12/19/08, NoOp /<glgxg at>/* wrote:
>     From: NoOp <glgxg at>
>     Subject: Re: How do I dial using external modem
>     To: ubuntu-users at
>     Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 3:20 AM
>     On 12/18/2008 07:07 PM, Pete Clapham wrote:
>     > Hi, all --I have an eeePC, and I want to access the Internet using an
>     external modem.  I can go to "network" and configure the modem, but I
>     can't dial the ISP.  Can anybody tell me where the button is to
>     "dial"?   Alternatively, if dialing is automatic (doesn't seem
>     likely), wheredoes the external modem attach?  Do I need to do a mount to
>     /dev/modem?And if so, what am I mounting? Thanks.cheers,,pete 
>     > 
>     Don't know. But your question has nothing to do with the subject of this
>     thread "How do I dial using external modem". Perhaps if you don't
>     hijack
>     someone else's thread and start a new one, someone will reply.
>     -- 
>     ubuntu-users mailing list
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You posted your question in the middle of someone else's thread about 
OpenOffice.  What NoOp is telling you is forum etiquette.  You should 
make sure your initial post is always a new thread and not buried in the 
middle of another string.

I've never used a modem in linux, so I'm sorry to say I can't help you 

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