Printing multiple copies

Preston Kutzner shizzlecash at
Thu Dec 18 20:43:22 UTC 2008

On Dec 17, 2008, at 10:20 PM, NoOp wrote:

> On 12/17/2008 05:58 PM, Preston Kutzner wrote:
>>>> Not sure if this is quite what you were looking for.  But, using
>>>> the following command, I still only got 1 copy from the Toshiba
>>>> printer:
>>>> lp -p <printer_name> -n 2 <file>
>>>> This command *did* yield 2 copies on the HP printer, though.  The
>>>> command Brian suggested only gave me an error when trying to
>>>> specify a page count.
>>> This would be good, but I need to print multiple copies of pages
>>> within a document.
>> Yes, unfortunately, it doesn't really help in your situation.  But,
>> since you are using an HP printer, the collate option should work for
>> you to be able to get more than one copy of your document, or pages  
>> of
>> your document.  I can confirm that it works with page ranges, at  
>> least
>> it does for me.
>> Unfortunately, there's still no explanation as to *why* multiple
>> copies doesn't work unless collation is selected, or why it doesn't
>> work at all for a printer that I never had a problem with under  
>> Hardy.
> Multiple copies works for me (intrepid) via OOo and Firefox to both a
> Canon MP750 (via IPP) and to a cups-pdf printer. This appears (IMO) to
> be an HP issue. Could be wrong, but I find no issues printing via IPP
> from Intrepid to an Hardy connected Canon.

I want to throw in that I *can* print multiple copies to an HP  
printer, but must have collate selected.  I *can not* print multiple  
copies from a Toshiba eStudio-451c mutli-function.  Again, I have  
never had these problems with any previous version of Ubuntu (since  
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