Printing multiple copies

Preston Kutzner shizzlecash at
Thu Dec 18 01:58:50 UTC 2008

>> Not sure if this is quite what you were looking for.  But, using  
>> the following command, I still only got 1 copy from the Toshiba  
>> printer:
>> lp -p <printer_name> -n 2 <file>
>> This command *did* yield 2 copies on the HP printer, though.  The  
>> command Brian suggested only gave me an error when trying to  
>> specify a page count.
> This would be good, but I need to print multiple copies of pages  
> within a document.

Yes, unfortunately, it doesn't really help in your situation.  But,  
since you are using an HP printer, the collate option should work for  
you to be able to get more than one copy of your document, or pages of  
your document.  I can confirm that it works with page ranges, at least  
it does for me.

Unfortunately, there's still no explanation as to *why* multiple  
copies doesn't work unless collation is selected, or why it doesn't  
work at all for a printer that I never had a problem with under Hardy.
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