how to disable pulseaudio (was: Re: libflashsupport, pulseaudio and hardy)

H.S. hs.samix at
Wed Dec 17 03:17:00 UTC 2008

H.S. wrote:

> Well, I hate to say this, but there are still some kinks in multimedia
> playback with pulseaudio on Hardy. The user reported this to be only
> recently. Apparently, Totem player does not play some avi files (grabbed
> by a digicam) properly. I tested and gxine does. Also, some news
> websites' video clips are not being played properly.
> So, where does that leave us? Looks like pulse audio is a mess at
> present with at least the current scenario regarding flash and possibly
> with some avi files (though it may be a question of the right codec).
> So I have decided to roll back the computer in question to using alsa
> and forgo pulse audio for now.
> BTW, pulse audio is working fine in all these respects on my computer,
> Debian Testing. So I am confident the newer releases of Ubuntu will have
> improvements regarding this.
> Regards.

Just wanted to know if somebody knows how to disable pulseaudio in Hardy.

I have so far set all options in Preferences->Sound to use Alsa. I have
uninstalled some packages regarding pulse audio and also remove
/etc/asound.conf that I used to set pulseaudio to default. I now have
only the following packages remaining regarding pulseaudio:
gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio libpulse-browse0 libpulse-mainloop-glib0
libpulse0 libpulsecore5 pulseaudio pulseaudio-esound-compat pulseaudio-utils

But I still see a pulse audio process when a user is logged in:
 $ ps uax | grep pulse
hs       6192  0.0  1.0  26976  4876 ?        S<l  21:17   0:04
/usr/bin/pulseaudio --log-target=syslog

So, what do I need to really disable pulseaudio. Preferably the option
should not involve uninstalling pulseaudio package (moreover, if I try
to remove pulseaudio in Hardy, it also wants to remove other desktop


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