libflashsupport, pulseaudio and hardy

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Dec 15 02:03:37 UTC 2008

On 12/14/2008 04:55 PM, H.S. wrote:
> H.S. wrote:
>> Just wanted to give this little feedback:
>> It appears that after a reboot, the Hardy machine is now working fine
>> with all the videos and sound working okay (youtube, bbc, skype, etc.)
>> and all with pulse audio.
>> I wish I could say what precisely made the difference, but other than
>> following the steps in the links I mentioned earlier, I have not done
>> anything special.
>> The best I can offer is to tryout various steps in those links and see
>> what works best.
> Well, I hate to say this, but there are still some kinks in multimedia
> playback with pulseaudio on Hardy. The user reported this to be only
> recently. Apparently, Totem player does not play some avi files (grabbed
> by a digicam) properly. I tested and gxine does. Also, some news
> websites' video clips are not being played properly.
> So, where does that leave us? Looks like pulse audio is a mess at
> present with at least the current scenario regarding flash and possibly
> with some avi files (though it may be a question of the right codec).
> So I have decided to roll back the computer in question to using alsa
> and forgo pulse audio for now.
> BTW, pulse audio is working fine in all these respects on my computer,
> Debian Testing. So I am confident the newer releases of Ubuntu will have
> improvements regarding this.
> Regards.

I found that removing libflashsupport (on Hardy) resulted in no sound in
Firefox & SeaMonkey. All other apps played sound, just no sound in
mozilla applications. Reinstalled & sound works again. Interesting part
is that I only use direct installed Flash & mozilla apps, so not sure
why the problem occured.

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