Lenovo 3000 n200 optical drive problems

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 19:36:22 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 12/15/2008 04:12 AM, squareyes wrote:
> [snip]
>> Have decided to remove Win XP and install Ubuntu on the full drive, and 
>> use my external drive when I need to.
>> Tired of chasing this piece of poorly designed equipment. Would like the 
>> email address of the Managing Director of the parent company though, 
>> would like to send him/her a copy of my thoughts.
>> Have Dial up, so Alternate Ubuntu and installing Lilo isn't really an 
>> option,
>> One good thing, after quite a bit of thought I have realized that I 
>> don't know a single soul that I dislike enough to try and pass this 
>> machine off to, so I guess I am a very lucky human being. 
>> Many thanks for all the help and suggestions, most appreciated.
>> Take Care
>> Winton
> Well... at least your machine boots :-) I've a T21 Thinkpad with the
> 'Blink of Death' (faulty electrical components on the main board) that
> is being used as a doorstop. Had to give my son my T30 so that he'd have
> a laptop that actually boots up reliably for college. When that one dies
> I'll get him a non-IBM/Lenovo machine to replace it.
    Watch out for the cheap HP laptops too. Mine was cheap and it was 
only due to the nice people at HP that I got both windows and Ubuntu 
running on it. I have an older Sony ($1200) which is large and 
everything runs well on it.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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