Pen drive size to put Ubuntu on

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Dec 11 16:07:54 UTC 2008

2008/12/11 Computer assistance to Akatsi District project Ghana
<ghana.computeraid at>:
> Hello
> My mother has a really slow P4 1,5 ghz XP computer. I wanted to give here a
> pen drive with Ubuntu on for Christmas, so that she can have a fast computer
> igain. When you have installed ubuntu, there is a option to put it on a
> pendrive rigth? Is i difficult to get to work?
> And how big should the pendrive be? I dont want to use so much mony on it,
> because i also want to buy her a LCD screen.
> In advanced
> Thank you for any help
> Robert Riksheim

While your goal is noble, your way is wrong.

You will not make her Windows XP computer faster by installing Ubuntu
on a pen drive for her. If you want her to have a more responsive
computer, then an Ubuntu insallation on the hard disk _may_ be more
responsive than XP on the same hardware. Maybe not. And an Ubuntu
installation booting from a USB drive will _not_ be more responsive
than a properly configured Windows XP installation.

Either fix her Windows installation or install Ubuntu on the hard drive.

Dotan Cohen


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