Pen drive size to put Ubuntu on

Sandy Harris sandyinchina at
Thu Dec 11 14:55:02 UTC 2008

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Computer assistance to Akatsi
District project Ghana <ghana.computeraid at> wrote:
> Hello
> My mother has a really slow P4 1,5 ghz XP computer. I wanted to give here a
> pen drive with Ubuntu on for Christmas, so that she can have a fast computer
> igain. When you have installed ubuntu, there is a option to put it on a
> pendrive rigth? Is i difficult to get to work?
> And how big should the pendrive be? I dont want to use so much mony on it,
> because i also want to buy her a LCD screen.

I installed Xubuntu 7.04, 7.10 and 8.04 on a pen drive. With Firefox,
Open Office,
various other things, but no server software and no other big packages. All came
out about 1.5 gigs.  That's Xubuntu with XFCE as the window manager rather
than Gnome; I do not know how much that saves.

4 gigs is plenty. In China, 4 gig USB are under $10 s that's what I'd use. YMMV

Sandy Harris,
Quanzhou, Fujian, China

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