Reverting to 8.04 and Rhythmbox Fails

Kent Borg kentborg at
Wed Dec 10 19:16:21 UTC 2008

I tried an upgrade to 8.10 briefly, it wasn't entirely happy, I
concluded I need to do a fresh install...but in the mean time I reverted
to 8.04.

Now, Rhythmbox can't download new podcasts.  It says "Waiting".  8.10
touched my home directory and now I have something incompatible when
back at 8.04.  I have a backup of my home directory from before I tried
the upgrade, what files should I be reverting?  I don't want to revert
everything because I did work under 8.10 before I reverted the OS.

So far I have reverted:


I understand that Rhythmbox does its downloads via gvfs and suspect it
is broken.  What config files does gvfs have in my home directory?


-kb, the Kent who verified that Rhythmbox works for a new test user with
a fresh home directory.

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