Selling Linux to Windows Users

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Dec 10 13:24:10 UTC 2008

Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Dec 2008, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> 2008/12/9 Mark Haney <mhaney at>:
>>> So, having a sword is better than having a gun?  I mean, the sword came
>>> before guns.  And I do believe there was MASS adoption of the sword.
>> Swords work when they are full of sand, they do not need reloading,
>> they do not need the meticulous cleaning and frequent disassembly of a
>> firearm, and have many other advantages. They are faster and less
>> expensive to manufacture, less prone to abuse, and can be used for a
>> variety of purposes.
> Unless, of course you need to engage at more than arm's length! In many 
> cases capability trumps robustness.

Duh. That's why I throw my swords at the attacker.

You should see the look on his face.

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