Can't Navigate My LAN Or Ping
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
Tue Dec 9 22:58:20 UTC 2008
--- On Tue, 12/9/08, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> From: Nils Kassube <kassube at>
> Subject: Re: Can't Navigate My LAN Or Ping
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 3:32 PM
> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > --- On Tue, 12/9/08, Nils Kassube
> <kassube at> wrote:
> > > Did you perhaps enable roaming mode in NM and
> disable it
> > > afterwards?
> >
> > Yes, after the initial switch to wired it did. NoOp
> had said to
> > do that on one of his replies. It didn't seem
> right thing to do but
> > I did. Do you think that's what changed my
> settings bach to
> > wireless mode?
> Well, I wouldn't say it was wrong. It is just the
> problem of conflicting
> suggestions from several people. OTOH, if you only followed
> suggestions
> of a single person you might end nowhere if you didn't
> pick the right
> person and that person doesn't have the right idea. I
> thought you wanted
> to use a static setup, that's why I gave advice for
> that route. I had
> seen NoOps suggestion to enable roaming mode but I
> didn't remember if you
> had tried it. That's why I asked. At least now I'm
> quite sure this was
> the reason why your interfaces file was modified.
Ha, Ha, yeah you right about the first part of your
reply-:)) I did think NoOp was a little off on that
especially for wired connection. But I knew it
couldn't hurt anything seriously so I tried it. Glad to
know that's what changed my config back to wireless.
It's something I wont forget easily-:)) I do still feel
like a newby to a large extent even though I been
with Linux since Debian Woody bf2.4 and those
were miserable days on the Debian user list-:))
But, I think I could recoqnize something that wasn't
the right thing to do or if I couldn't I wouldn't do it
unless I trusted them totally.
> > Right now I've got everything with network
> > manager in ist's name purged from my system so
> that should
> > keep things the same I think.
> Yes, I think so, unless you install Wicd which has a
> similar functionality
> to NM.
If I install anything in that line it will be wicd as I've had
it with nm and may never use it again.
> > BTW, this old system is doing
> > so many strange things I may do a fresh install of
> Hardy hoping
> > to fix things.
> If you do a fresh install, please try NM and DHCP first
> before you go back
> to a static setup and tell us if / what problems arise. I
> would really
> like to know if there is and advantage for you with a
> static setup.
I can do that. I would like to know a way to check if
there is an advantage to static IPs other than just
sense of speed. Certainls DHCP is easier. I would
rather use wicd ipo NM but could wait a while as
I'm so familiar with it now it should be easy-:))
> > I tried to reply to you with TB earlier but
> couldn't
> > edit the reply within your HTML post. Just one of the
> strange
> > things going on.
> Yeah, it is really strange because I didn't post HTML
> :)
Really, the mail had the usual blue line down the whole
composition, no > whatsoever and I couldn't breal the blue
line with the cursor and line feed. Some more strange stuff
hugh. Right now NoOp is helping me tune it up. I don't use
this machine much since I bought the new one until I had to
put it in the shop. Since then it has demonstrated every
quirk imaginable; many I've never come across before.
> > It's static right now as that's the way I left
> it.
> Just one last question: Did you try to use different IP
> addresses for
> wired and wireless interfaces? And if so, did it improve
> your connection
> stability?
Not yet but will after I get the new one back and get everything
set up as it was before. It's on my list to do. In any case, 2wire
config has wireless disabled, it's commented out in interfaces and all forms
of NM, kde and gnome, are purged from system. I don't think I coud get
a wireless connection now unless I configured one in interfaces.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
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