hardware compatibility

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Dec 9 15:34:25 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

> John Rivera wrote:
>> hi, im going to start a custom built computer store with one of my IT
>> friends, and i would like a list of recomended hardware
>> configurations(or just parts) that work well with ubuntu, this
>> business will be launched by early summer 2009 so i would probbaly be
>> providing ubuntu jaunty to my customers.
>     If you want to stay in business you need to grow every year and
> since 90% of the people in the world use Windows you better offer that
> at a best price. 

You will have to offer Windows, but do as a local store does - offer 
pricing for a no-OS system, with various Windows OSes as added (real) 
cost options and Ubuntu for $0.

>     Be sure you have a bank picked out that likes you and will loan
>     you
> big bucks in just an hour. You will need this to pay salaries some day
> :-)

It's good advice but if it's going to be owner-operated that's a little 
less important.   Getting a bank to loan big-bucks to a startup these 
days is probably impossible, but at least choose one that will be 
flexible when you grow and _have_ employees, because changing banks is a 
non-trivial problem for a company.

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