hardware compatibility

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 21:33:58 UTC 2008

John Rivera wrote:
> hi, im going to start a custom built computer store with one of my IT friends, and i would like a list of recomended hardware configurations(or just parts) that work well with ubuntu, this business will be launched by early summer 2009 so i would probbaly be providing ubuntu jaunty to my customers.
    If you want to stay in business you need to grow every year and 
since 90% of the people in the world use Windows you better offer that 
at a best price. In my business I sold to other business and I had to 
show them why my product was better than any other. It turned out that 
cost was a big factor too.

    Be sure you have a bank picked out that likes you and will loan you 
big bucks in just an hour. You will need this to pay salaries some day :-)


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