Selling Linux to Windows Users

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Dec 9 13:23:59 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/12/9 Knapp <magick.crow at>:
>> There is no "force" here. If Windows were better, I for one would love
>> to know about it! I might even switch back, if I had a lot of free
>> cash to give away.
> Windows has better accessibility features. Scratch that- Windows HAS
> accessibility features. Gnome has nothing useful other, and all of
> KDE's accessibility features were abandoned in KDE 4.
> Windows has software for professionals. In my profession, engineering,
> what CAD software is available for Linux?

Also video editing is still growing, unless you're in a niche or use 
Linux as a rendering farm. iMovie is great for home users. Linux tools 
tend to be buggy, glitchy or crash. Haven't used Movie Maker so I can't 
comment on that.

As of 8.10 my webcams don't even work any more.

Linux is also inconsistent in it's interface as presented to users. The 
Mac is far ahead in that area...even little things, like installing 
programs are hit or miss as to whether they'll add a menu item to the 

Linux has several drawbacks and issues. But it has strengths too. I 
can't think of a good reason to not use it if you're having to 
administrate systems on a network. You can virtualize Windows for 
Windows-specific functions you need, you can perform network audits and 
capture network traffic more easily, you're immune to %99 of attacks 
you'd normally encounter in a Windows-based network while trying to 
troubleshoot issues...

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