libflashsupport, pulseaudio and hardy

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Dec 8 12:58:37 UTC 2008

Jonathan D. Armendariz wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>     Look at the 2 speakers in the upper right edge of your screen. They 
>> may have a red circle or such. Right click and get ready to fix the Alsa 
>> mixer.
> No 2 speakers there but had to add the one back in. Everything seems to 
> check out there and I know for a fact that I can, say, listen to music 
> from and just fine (listening to music as we 
> speak). It seems then that Flash and my audio card aren't "talking" to 
> each other so to speak. Perhaps then I may missing or overlooking something?
    It sounds to me like your Hardy is not loaded properly. Something 
went wrong and I can't guess what it is. So your on your own. Sorry.


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