libflashsupport, pulseaudio and hardy

Jonathan D. Armendariz jarmenda at
Mon Dec 8 01:33:01 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>     Look at the 2 speakers in the upper right edge of your screen. They 
> may have a red circle or such. Right click and get ready to fix the Alsa 
> mixer.

No 2 speakers there but had to add the one back in. Everything seems to 
check out there and I know for a fact that I can, say, listen to music 
from and just fine (listening to music as we 
speak). It seems then that Flash and my audio card aren't "talking" to 
each other so to speak. Perhaps then I may missing or overlooking something?

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

      - Buddha

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