evolution does not recieves pop mail

Serge Skorokhodov ucayalyfish at yandex.ru
Wed Dec 3 19:55:47 UTC 2008

03.12.2008 22:46, Mark Haney:
>  Sergey Skorokhodov wrote:
> >
> > All in a sudden Evolution stops retrieving pop mail. I can see it
> > getting short info from the server, then downloading messages and
> > then nothing happens. No new mail in Inbox. I've been looking for
> > some kind of logs but failed to find any. All suggestions will be
> > appreciated.
> >
>  With only the info you've posted, all I can think of is a corrupt
>  message sitting on the mail server.  This can block receipt of
>  messages (or in some cases make you receive the same message(s) over
>  and over again), and I've always just logged into the POP server
>  from the command line to delete the first message in the queue.
>  That usually fixes it.

Thanks for answering. I'm afraid that this cannot be the case as 
Thunderbird easily recieves mail from the same server (leaving messages 
in place).  I've tried to get a log of evolution with 'env 
CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution &> evo.log' command. I failed to find any 
errors, all downloaded messages are written to the log. No new mail in 
Inbox though... Kinda mistery isn't it?


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