Network Cards and Ubuntu

Richard Brown rich at
Wed Dec 3 16:51:03 UTC 2008

Hi All

2008/11/28 Florian Diesch <diesch at>:
> "Richard Brown" <rich at> wrote:
>> I am loading xubuntu on a p3 400mhz and it hasn't found the network
>> card. Any ideas why please and how do I get it to locate it please?
> Please post the ouput of
>  lspci -nnvv
> That contains informations about your hardware.
>   Florian
> --
Thanks for all the help. As soon as I ran the above commands I could
see that no nic had been picked up. Ended up changing the card three
times before I finally got one to work.

All is now ok and I have saved another p3 destined for the dump!
Kind regards
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Romans 12 v 1

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