Which digital camera works best with Ubuntu

Owen Townend owen.townend at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 03:32:33 UTC 2008

2008/12/3 Sambit Bikas Pal <sambitbikaspal at gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 07:06, Mark <markfpyles at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone:
>> I have a question. I am running Ubuntu  8.04 and am looking to purchase a
>> new inexpensive point and shoot camera and wanted to know which digital
>> camera works best with Ubuntu? Thanks.
> I recently bought a Sony DSC W130. Works flawlessly with ubuntu, out
> of the box. Gets detected as a USB mass storage device, F-spot photo
> manager is launched automatically when connected.  8.1MPixels, 4x
> Optical Zoom, Face Detection, Smile shutter(can click automatically if
> subject is smiling)  Carl Zeiss lens. Very easy to use in auto mode -
> of the point and shoot type. Quite cheap, costs around 13,000 INR,
> i.e. around 270 USD.

 This has been my experience with almost all digital cameras.  They
detect as mass storage devices (the same as a USB flash drive) and the
photos and movies can be simply dragged and dropped or taken using a
program such as F-Spot.  From my experience a better approach would be
to check if a specific camera has issues as the majority seem to work
in the above fashion.


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