Wireless issues, but oddly the opposite of what you normally hear....

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Dec 2 15:01:37 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> My _guess_ would be that it you check the router, the channel
> selection is probably set to 'Auto' and at some point had switched to
> 13.

Ah.  It hadn't occurred to me that that was a possibility - all the 
routers I've used have been set manually - but I suppose for the LOLs 
running B&Bs there's an advantage to having the router automatically set 
the channel to the least congested channel available.  So I'll retract 
my suggestion that the router's hacked (though, I'd be a little 
surprised if it isn't - that just isn't the likely reason for a problem 
:-) Any router operated by somebody with so little knowledge, in an 
urban area, is probably being used illegitimately).

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