[Resolved?] Re: [Hardy] NX (NoMachine) Sound/No Sound
glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 1 23:51:46 UTC 2008
On 11/27/2008 12:01 PM, Daniel T Chen wrote:
> On 11/27/2008 02:31 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> I: module-volume-restore.c: Restoring sink for
>> <pulsecore/protocol-native.c$gnome-sound-properties>
>> I: module-volume-restore.c: Restoring volume for
>> <pulsecore/protocol-native.c$gnome-sound-properties>
>> I: module-alsa-sink.c: Trying resume...
>> E: module-alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or
>> resource busy
>> D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
>> alsa_output.pci_8086_24d5_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes busy.
> PulseAudio is configured (by default) to grab hw:* instead of
> default:*. The implication of this configuration is that dmix and
> dsnoop are not active, so if any other application has used either hw:*
> or default:* (or dmix:*, dsnoop:*, or asym:*), then the pulse daemon
> will throw the above error.
> That said, it is fairly straightforward to configure the pulse daemon to
> use dmix:* for sinks and dsnoop for sources, but such a configuration
> deviates from what upstream recommends, so Ubuntu does not ship such a
> configuration active by default.
OK, you didn't respond to my question regarding padevchooser so I
installed it & found that by setting 'default' (server, sink, source) I
can log into the hardy machine via the NX client (Windows and linux) and
get the login/logout sounds on the client machine. However, if I run
Rythmbox from the NX client all of the sound for that application
appears only on the target hardy machine.
Are there any particular settings in padevchooser that I can test to
have Rythmbox redirect and/or simmultaniously play the sound on both
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