Wireless issues, but oddly the opposite of what you normally hear....

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 16:43:31 UTC 2008

Steve Flynn wrote:
> I'm working away from home during the week and have an Alienware mx15 laptop.
> The B&B I stay in has WiFi available to the guests, free of charge.
> If I boot into 8.10 I see the AP with a nice fat signal strength but
> I'm unable to authenticate to it using the password given by the
> landlady (the mac address of the router, if I'm not mistaken).
> If I boot into Vista, there's no sign of it. Nada. Nothing there... I
> can see someone's Sky connection with a very low signal strength but
> not the AP in the living room of the house I'm in.
> Back into Linux - there it is again, signal strength up at aruond 90%.
> When I toddle off back home, and fire the laptop up, both 8.10 and
> vista see my router (and about 12 other AP's in the vicinity), so it's
> not my Vista drivers, nor my Linux drivers nor my physical hardware.
> Anyone got any clues? I note that the AP is broadcasting (no hidden
> SSID) on channel 13 - anyone else had issues along these lines? I have
> to admit, it's got me stumped unless there's some restriction in
> Microsoft Operating systems about the channel number... that's the
> only thing I can think of to be honest...
    Your Bed and Breakfast place has a bad router. You can't do a thing 
about that. Expect free Internet to be buggy :-)


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