rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sun Aug 31 16:51:33 UTC 2008

2008/8/31 Mumia W. <paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at>:
> On 08/31/2008 01:50 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> 2008/8/31 Nik N <niknot at>:
>>> The reason to reconsider FF after using it since it's earliest times is that
>>> with the introduction sqlite as the storage mechanism it has become impossible
>>> to properly clean up private data at the end of the session.
>> What is wrong with Tools -> Clear Personal Data (translated)?
>> [...]
> That does not in fact delete the personal data from the hard drive. That
> function seems to only mark the data as deleted in the SQL database:

Thank you very much for that link. The bug seems to be very difficult
to reproduce, in fact, I could not reproduce it locally. See my
comments on the bug.

For that matter, if your Firefox 3 profile is a converted Firefox 2
profile, then please check if you can confirm my suspicions in the
last part of my comment.

In any case, I will continue to triage this bug because it seems like
a very serious issue. That said, nor myself nor the OP can reproduce
it easily, so if nobody else has physical access to your system then I
would not discontinue Firefox 3 usage because of this. Supposed
security bugs appear all the time, and turn out to be nothing. This
bug is another one of those, and even reported without enough
information to reproduce nor in the proper channels. Security issues
are to be reported in the private bugtracker, and this is the public
bugtracker, which shows that the OP is inexperienced at triaging bugs.

If you would like to help me triage this bug then please contact me
off list and we will see what we can do.

Dotan Cohen


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