Ubuntu on old machine

steve sfreilly at roadrunner.com
Sun Aug 31 16:43:42 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Doug Pollard wrote:
> Hi all, 
>     I have something I want to try later Probably in the spring and am 
> looking for a couple of opinions.  I would like to put EMC  on an old 
> computer I have. Right now I am busy with doing video and trying to get 
> some knowhow with the terminal.  This whole thing is now in the thinking 
> about stage.   I have a little shop with a lathe and milling machine 
> that would be fun to run as CNC on Emc.
>     The box is a  E-machine  266 MHZ   and 250  megabits of Random 
> access memory. It has a 4o gig and 60 gig hard drives.  It will boot 
> from cd.   Will Ubuntu 8.04  install and run on such a machine?  Would I 
> be better off to try something like Xubuntu or Puppy Linux.  The machine 
> will be totally dedicated  to EMC.  All other Ubuntu work will be done 
> on the machine I am presently using.
>     I am also keeping my eyes open for a free or really cheap box with a 
> little more oomff  :-)  the question may be mute.
>                                         Thanks for any advice,     Doug 

according to the website, theres a live cd, I would try that out first
to see if your processor can handle the load. Its a pentium 2 right?
Sounds like a nice project, I didnt even know software such as that was

FYI, I have a P2 file server with 3 usb hard drives, which doubles as a
web/ftp server , not real processor intensive, but it runs great with a
300mhz P2, 768 meg ram.  Let us know how you make out.

- --
Steve Reilly

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