ssh no password problem

Adel ESSAFI adel.safi at
Sun Aug 31 12:16:12 UTC 2008

I have followed exactly the instruction but still with the same problem.

  135  ssh-keygen -t dsa
  137  cd .ssh/
  139  cat >> authorized_keys2
  141  chmod 644 authorized_keys2

when I do ssh localhost , i get still this

oar at lion:~$ ssh localhost
*Enter passphrase for key '/home/oar/.ssh/id_dsa':*
Linux lion 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686

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Last login: Sun Aug 31 14:09:28 2008 from localhost
oarsh: The OAR_KEY environment variable is not defined and this seems to be
a oar user connection.
oarsh: See 'Important notes' part of the 'CPUSET installation' section of
the OAR documentation.
Connection to localhost closed.

2008/8/31 Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at>

> On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 11:47 +0200, Adel ESSAFI wrote:
> > What are other reasons that can causes that!
> Wait a minute, rom the command listing in your original post it seems
> that you might have generated and added the public key on the same
> machine, is that correct?
> You need to generate on the local machine, then copy it to
> the remote host and add it _there_ to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
> If you follow the instructions on
> to the
> letter, it should be fine.
> --
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