I am so lost with this program!!!!
Graham Watkins
shellycat.gw at ntlworld.com
Sun Aug 31 06:29:57 UTC 2008
Michael "TheZorch" Haney wrote:
> Pastor JW wrote:
>> I'm sorry but I can't understand the question. Let's see, the name of this
>> list is "ubuntu-users", and its email address
>> is "ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com" and you want to put housing materials back
>> onto your system? Are you a contractor? The wife is a whiz at making
>> curtains, did 'em for the church! Once you get your windows replaced,
>> perhaps give her a call with the measurements and she'll give you a good deal
>> on curtains to go with 'em.
> Its comments like this which perpetuates the widely accepted notion that
> Linux users are fanboys who are not very friendly towards newbies. Such
> comments have no place what so ever in a forum for a Linux distro which
> has as its main philosophy being on "community". Anyone who makes
> comments like these is not a part of our community, they are a
> disruptive element who is undermining the very foundation upon which
> Ubuntu stands firmly upon.
> These is no place for this kind of behavior here, it is our
> responsibility as Ubuntu users to be a shining beacon of light to those
> who brave the turbulent waters of switching from Windows to Linux. Its
> not an easy switch, it comes with sacrifice, but the overall benefits
> and gains which come from switching platforms is more than worth it. We
> need to give people an incentive to continue on this journey, and making
> comments like this only discourages them.
> Linux is at a historic crossroads right now, never before has the OS
> come so close to being accepted in the mainstream than it has right
> now. Last year nobody would have ever guessed that desktop PCs and
> laptops would be sold with distros of Linux pre-installed, nor did
> anyone ever guess that Ubuntu would be one of them. Today, Linux is
> everywhere, its in our cellphones, set top boxes, game consoles, and its
> in Ultra-Mobile PCs which are all the rage these days. Not only that,
> but many manufacturers are selling computers that boot in 15 seconds to
> a Linux desktop for browsing the web and checking email without even
> loading the OS on the hard drive. Linux is everywhere! But, despite
> all of these advances the OS still hasn't captured the hearts and minds
> of the average computer user. MS Windows still dominates, but that is
> changing and in order for us to make full mainstream acceptance of Linux
> a reality we must work together.
> Comments like the one seen above only works against us.
Then again, there may just be people who aren't smart enough for this.
If people don't have a recovery plan if it doesn't work out for them
it's not for us to clean up after them. This list is about advising
people regarding *Ubuntu Linux* not, repeat not, Windows. Someone who
doesn't know enough to re-install Windows possibly shouldn't be left
alone with a Linux disk.
I think you should consider the possibility that the original post was
some kind of troll. It's not the first thread in recent times asking
how to re-install Windows. Redmond may be co-ordinating this.
Graham Watkins
"To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows
box, you just need to work on it."
SecurityFocus columnist Scott Granneman.
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