I am so lost with this program!!!!
Aquil H. Abdullah
aquil.abdullah at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 20:41:59 UTC 2008
I love these types of threads! They provide so much enjoyment to my day.
The bottom line is that most people who use *nix OSs love them or are in one
of two categories [extremely computer literate and willing to fix what they
don't like or willing to hack anything]. I fall into the former or the
latter, which ever one means hacker, I am no grammarian. While I think that
*WE*, the *nix community, should be willing to help those who wish to
abandon the chains of a point and click OS and join a community of computer
users who have unlimited power to make their OS what they want it to be, not
everyone has that inclination. Most people have a desire to lead normal
lives. Anyway, my point in commenting on this thread is to say that Linux
has come a long way and Ubuntu distro in my opinion is one of the easiest to
use, this is probably why Dell now has a Linux offering with Ubuntu. We are
hear because we support an OS we love. Whenever someone asks me about
installing Linux I say "Do your homework first? You will need to be able to
do more than just click on help/troubleshoot" 98% of them never listen, and
of that group about 50% have a terrible first experience. Of, those that
make it to the Linux side, most are happy and become fairly competent
computer users within a couple of months.
Well So Long and Thanks for the Fish...
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/8/29 Mark Haney <mhaney at ercbroadband.org>:
> > Sure, n00bs don't always know the proper ways to email lists. I get
> > that. They can't always give you the detail you need to fix their
> > problem, that also is understood. But when introducing yourself to
> > someone you don't shout at them. You shake hands, say, hi I'm new here
> > and I need help. Not 'IT"S BROKEN, FIX IT'. You know?
> I've never understood that. Even when I was a complete noob (actually,
> I still am after four years of Linux) I never took the mailing list
> help for granted. Where does that attitude come from? I could only
> guess that it is the average age of users getting lower every year,
> and kids today seem to expect everything to be handed to them. Maybe
> this could explain it:
> http://xkcd.com/186/
> --
> Dotan Cohen
> http://what-is-what.com
> http://gibberish.co.il
> א-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת
> ä-ö-ü-ß-Ä-Ö-Ü
> --
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Aquil H. Abdullah
aquil.abdullah at gmail.com
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