Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Fri Aug 29 00:37:23 UTC 2008

On Thursday 28 August 2008 05:11:10 pm Rashkae wrote:
> I'm sorry for the game of 20 questions... I'm just trying to get as
> clear a picture as I can so as to avoid doing anything that can
> potentially be harmful.

Not to worry, I was trying to explain the slowness in answers

> Now, I'll assume that the notebook has one hard drive, detected as
> /dev/sda However, it's important you verify this.  type the mount
> command, and note what drive/partition / is mounted from.  I'm guessing
> /dev/sda2.  If, however, it's /dev/sdb2, then use /dev/sdb in the
> following grub shell commands instead of /dev/sda

it is sda

> The first partition is the Windows NTFS
> The second partition is the Linux /
> And there's probably a third partition for Linux swap
> Enter the grub shell with sudo grub

I assume this is AFTER I boot the machine as like I said it will not let me do 
anything unless I boot it using the grub menu from a pendrive.  The live CD 
will not bring up the harddrive either and the pendrive is PClinuxOS 2007

> In the grub shell, give it these commands:
> device (hd0) /dev/sda
> root (hd0,1)
> setup (hd0)

This was the fist thing I tried but right here it gives "ERROR 17"

> quit
> You might also want to check the grub menu.lst and make sure the root of
> the Ubuntu Boot as well as the Widnows boot secions are (hd0,1) and
> (hd0,0), respectively  (although, that can be changed from the grub boot
> menu once that is working properly)

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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