Rashkae ubuntu at
Fri Aug 29 00:11:10 UTC 2008

Pastor JW wrote:
> On Thursday 28 August 2008 10:07:13 am Rashkae wrote:
>> Pastor JW wrote:
>>> On Thursday 28 August 2008 06:27:25 am Rashkae wrote:
>>>> Boot the system with your pen drive in there and look in the
>>>> /boot/grub/menu.lst file
>>>> Look for a section that looks like:
>>>> ## default grub root device
>>>> ## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)
>>>> # groot=(hd0,1)
>>>> And let me know what your groot is set too.
>>> His is:
>>>  ## default grub root device
>>>  ## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)
>>>  # groot=(hd0,1) /ubuntu/disks
>> I think the bios must be trying to boot form something else besides the
>> hard drive.  Can you get into the the bios and maker certain that the
>> 1st boot device is the hard drive?
> first drive is CD, then harddrive, then usb, then floppy but there of course 
> is no floppy.  The laptop does not belong to me. No one changed the BIOS, in 
> fact he had to get info off the net to even find out how to get into the bios 
> today.  It worked fine until Tuesday evening he said.  Then it would not 
> boot, just the word "GRUB" with a blinking cursor line.  He brought it into 
> town for me to look at the next day.  Lives about 35 miles away and without 
> internet working it is long distance phone calls.    

I'm sorry for the game of 20 questions... I'm just trying to get as
clear a picture as I can so as to avoid doing anything that can
potentially be harmful.

Now, I'll assume that the notebook has one hard drive, detected as
/dev/sda However, it's important you verify this.  type the mount
command, and note what drive/partition / is mounted from.  I'm guessing
/dev/sda2.  If, however, it's /dev/sdb2, then use /dev/sdb in the
following grub shell commands instead of /dev/sda

The first partition is the Windows NTFS

The second partition is the Linux /

And there's probably a third partition for Linux swap

Enter the grub shell with sudo grub

In the grub shell, give it these commands:

device (hd0) /dev/sda

root (hd0,1)

setup (hd0)


You might also want to check the grub menu.lst and make sure the root of
the Ubuntu Boot as well as the Widnows boot secions are (hd0,1) and
(hd0,0), respectively  (although, that can be changed from the grub boot
menu once that is working properly)

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