is everyone dead?

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Thu Aug 28 20:56:37 UTC 2008

--- Mark Haney <mhaney at> wrote:

> David Curtis wrote:
> > Robert Holtzman wrote:
> >> No messages for two days. Is everyone A) dead B)
> gone away C) in witness 
> >> protection? Did someone unsubscribe me?
> >>
> > If your ISP bounced too many messages, by being
> down or whatever, the 
> > list stops sending you mail. Check your settings
> on the web.
> > 
> Okay, here's a question, if he's got too many
> bounces from the ISP and 
> the list stop sending him mail, how EXACTLY is he
> going to get this 
> message to have him check his settings on the web?
> I'm just asking.....
He wont get the email from the list but he can still
see the replies by checking the user list url archive
for this month. I sure many users have monitored the
list mail replies by monitoring the user list url for
the current month.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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