is everyone dead?

Mark Haney mhaney at
Thu Aug 28 20:15:59 UTC 2008

David Curtis wrote:
> Robert Holtzman wrote:
>> No messages for two days. Is everyone A) dead B) gone away C) in witness 
>> protection? Did someone unsubscribe me?
> If your ISP bounced too many messages, by being down or whatever, the 
> list stops sending you mail. Check your settings on the web.

Okay, here's a question, if he's got too many bounces from the ISP and 
the list stop sending him mail, how EXACTLY is he going to get this 
message to have him check his settings on the web?

I'm just asking.....

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

Call (866) ERC-7110 for after hours support

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