questions on user account
ubuntu at
Thu Aug 28 00:20:30 UTC 2008
David Curtis wrote:
> Zhengguo Xu wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I had the impression that the user account created during the system
>> installation is sth. like "superuser" and its password like "super
>> password". so here come the questions
>> say i have user name XXX with password AAA created during ubuntu
>> installation, then i add a user YYY with password BBB and give it
>> administrator privilege. then I log in as YYY and delete the user XXX
>> (including all of its file and configuration) and only use YYY, is this
>> setting EXACTLY SAME as if i only have XXX (i mean for doing all the
>> system administration)?
>> thanks
> Off the top of my head I can't think of any reason why they would not be
> the same.
Well, not quite. Ubuntu has lots of permissions that are divided into
groups.. a group that can access the cdrom, a group that can mount
removable media, etc etc. Adding the new user to admin group won't
really give you all those same permissions.. (but you will be able to
use sudo, with which you can fix any other loose ends.)
If you're using the GUI, go into the user manager and check the
Properties -> User Privileges tab for the two users.. you will have to
check all those check marks in YYY to make them the same
> This pretty much explains how root(superuser) and root privledged
> users(sudo users) work in Ubuntu:
> Dave
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