questions on user account
David Curtis
dcurtis at
Wed Aug 27 22:57:17 UTC 2008
Zhengguo Xu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had the impression that the user account created during the system
> installation is sth. like "superuser" and its password like "super
> password". so here come the questions
> say i have user name XXX with password AAA created during ubuntu
> installation, then i add a user YYY with password BBB and give it
> administrator privilege. then I log in as YYY and delete the user XXX
> (including all of its file and configuration) and only use YYY, is this
> setting EXACTLY SAME as if i only have XXX (i mean for doing all the
> system administration)?
> thanks
Off the top of my head I can't think of any reason why they would not be
the same.
This pretty much explains how root(superuser) and root privledged
users(sudo users) work in Ubuntu:
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