What is wrong with firestarter?

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at carl-fh.com
Wed Aug 27 12:21:15 UTC 2008

Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> Is it correct that, if I just want to configure my firewall once and for 
> all, I could just install Firestarter (or one of the alternatives), do 
> my settings and, if my settings are good, uninstall Firestarter (or the 
> alternative) and never have to use it again, unless I have to change my 
> settings?
In a way yes. However, when you uninstall firestarter you would normally 
also remove the scripts /etc/init.d/firestarter and 
/etc/firestarter/firestarter.sh which sets up the package filtering at 
boot time.
       | Carl Friis-Hansen               | Fiskeryd Nybygget |
       | http://computingconfidence.com/ | 341 91  Ljungby   |
       | Phone: +46 (0)372 15033         | Sweden            |

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