Can't pin down DVD no mount problem

Ken McLennan kenrmcl at
Tue Aug 26 11:36:24 UTC 2008

G'day there Rashkae,

> Ok, reboot, wait a minute or two for all boot process and start-up
> services to finish, then type dmesg, note what the last entry is.
    I followed your advice and it seems we might be getting somewhere 
(at least further than I'd have gotten on my own).

> Now put that Install DVD back in, wait a couple minutes for gnome to
> give up trying to mount, then type dmesg again.  (redirect to a text
> file if you need to.  dmesg > log.txt, for example)
    I cheated and saved both the "pure" dmesg result & the "post mount 
attempt" result to text files and ran "diff" to see the differences. I 
tried with both a movie DVD & the install DVD and got the same message 
each time:

ken at Epona:~$ diff dmesg.txt dmesg2.txt
 > [  322.649908] UDF-fs: No VRS found
 > [  322.666466] ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
 > [  322.713041] ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A

    Actually the install DVD automounted on one occasion, but only once 
out of about half a dozen attempts.

> Send us everything that was added to the dmesg log from the time the dvd
> was inserted.
    A Google search showed that the "UDF..." line indicates that it's 
not handling the filesystem type. I've tried variations of the fstab 
line with "udf"; "iso9660"; and "autofs" but none worked. I'm not sure 
where to look next.

    Further searching indicated that the udf kernel module may not be 
installed, and when I checked it wasn't. However it's not loaded, I've 
rebooted and it still won't load. The above lines, however, no longer 
appear in dmesg.

    I hope all of that might help.

See ya, thanks for sticking with it.
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia
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