[kubuntu] Re: Upgrade problems 7.10 > 8.04 LTS

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 19 21:49:38 UTC 2008

On 08/19/2008 01:28 PM, Rick Knight wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 08/19/2008 11:03 AM, Rick Knight wrote:
>>> Just an update.
>>> My wireless does work, but only when I start it manually with this 
>>> command...
>>> $ sudo wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -i eth0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
>>> $sudo dhclient eth1
>>> Prior to the upgrade to 8.04, my wireless started automatically.
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Rick
>> I wonder if the /etc/network/interfaces file is getting messed up. Can
>> you post:
>> cat /etc/network/interfaces
> NoOp,
> I removed Knemo and installed network-manager-kde and knetwork-manager. 
> Now my networking is working at startup in Kdesktop and in terminal 
> mode. Wireless still needs to be started manually with wpa_supplicant 
> and dhclient. Any way to automate this in 8.04
> BTW I installed 8.04 with KDE3, not KDE4.
> Thanks,
> Rick

Sorry, you'll have to wait for a 'K' guy to help any further - I'm a 'G'
guy :-)

Speaking of 'K', I've been fiddling with trying to get a WUSB11 ver 2.8
USB wireless adaptor working with WPA on KDE 4.1 most of the day. Works
just fine via WinXPPro, but can't seem to get the wpa bit working in
KDE4.1. (-21 kernel). Maybe I need to look up the wpa_supplicant info.
Anyway, I'll put that in a new thread so that I don't hijack your's.


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